How To Add Line Breaks in JavaScript Alert Box

How To Add Line Breaks in JavaScript Alert Box

In this tutorial we will see How To Add Line Breaks in JavaScript Alert Box. We have used JavaScript Concatenation for this and also added a new line symbol "\n" for line break.


HTML Code is given below.

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>How To Add Line Breaks in JavaScript Alert Box</title>
<p>Click to Display JavaScript Alert Box with Line Breaks</p>
<button onclick="lineBreak()">Click</button>

JavaScript Code

JavaScript Code is given below, In this code we have joined two variables of two different lines and between them we have used new line symbol "\n", The new line symbol will make sure that second line starts from the next line after the first one.

var line1 ="This is";
var line2 ="You can Learn JavaScript Here";
var message=line1+"\n"+line2;
function lineBreak() {


Video Tutorial

Watch video tutorial on How To Add Line Breaks in JavaScript Alert Box.

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