Highlight Alternate Table Row using JQuery

Highlight Alternate Table Row using JQuery

In this tutorial we will see how to Highlight Alternate Table Row using JQuery. JQuery :nth-child() selector and .css() method is used for this purpose.


HTML Table Code is given below.





JQuery Code

JQuery Code is given below. JQuery :nth-child() selector is used to select the alternate table rows.

The Jquery :nth-child(n) selector selects all elements that are the nth child of the parent element.

:nth-child(2n) will only select the alternate rows whose position is a multiple of 2.

Then css is applied to the selected rows using .css() method of JQuery.

$("table tbody tr:nth-child(2n)").css('background-color','yellow');


Video Tutorial

Watch video tutorial on how to Highlight Alternate Table Row using JQuery.

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