HTML figure Tag

HTML figure Tag

HTML figure Tag specifies self-contained content that doesn't affect the main flow of web page. HTML figure tag can contain images, illustrations, code listings, diagrams etc.

Syntax of HTML figure Tag

The Syntax of HTML figure Tag is shown below, It has both starting and ending tags.

// content of figure element

Usage of HTML figure Tag

HTML figure Tag is used to define an independent container (position-wise) which can contain images, illustrations, drawings, code listings etc.

The content of HTML figure Tag usually consists of an image with it's caption.

The caption of figure tag image is defined using figcaption tag.

HTML figure Tag is a block level element.

Example of HTML figure Tag

Simple example of HTML figure Tag is shown below.

<img src="image url">
<figcaption>Caption Here.</figcaption>

Browser Support for HTML figure Tag

HTML figure Tag is supported by all major browsers including Safari and Internet Explorer.

Global Attributes Support in HTML figure Tag

The HTML figure Tag supports all Global Attributes.

Event Attributes Support in HTML figure Tag

The HTML figure Tag supports all Event Attributes.

HTML figure Tag Video

Watch our video on HTML figure Tag.

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