HTML font Tag

HTML font Tag

HTML font Tag was used to define the font size, font color and font face of the text. HTML font tag was used in HTML4 and it is deprecated in HTML5.

Syntax of HTML font Tag

The Syntax of HTML font Tag is shown below, It has both starting and ending tags.

// font tag text here

Usage of HTML font Tag

HTML font Tag was used to set the font size, font color and font face of the text. But font tag is deprecated now and CSS is used instead.

HTML font tag has three main attributes color, size and face. Color is used to define the font color, size attribute defines the size, while the face attribute defines the font face of text.

HTML font Tag is not used anymore, one should use CSS instead.

Example of HTML font Tag

Simple example of HTML font Tag is shown below.

<font color="red" face="sans-serif" size="+10">This is simple text.</font>

Browser Support for HTML font Tag

HTML font Tag is supported by all major browsers including Safari and Internet Explorer.

Global Attributes Support in HTML font Tag

The HTML font Tag supports all Global Attributes.

Event Attributes Support in HTML font Tag

The HTML font Tag supports all Event Attributes.

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