HTML head Tag

HTML head Tag

HTML head Tag is used to define the metadata of a web page. Metadata is data about the web page which includes page title, styles, scripts, character set etc.

Syntax of HTML head Tag

The Syntax of HTML head Tag is shown below, It has both starting and ending tags.


Usage of HTML head Tag

HTML head Tag is used as a container for metadata of a Document. The data defined inside head tag is not displayed.

HTML head tag can contains link tag, title tag, style tag, base tag, script tag, meta tag, noscript tag etc.

HTML head tag is placed between html tag and body tag.

Example of HTML head Tag

Simple example of HTML head Tag is shown below.

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>HTML Head Tag</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>

Browser Support for HTML head Tag

HTML head Tag is supported by all major browsers including Safari and Internet Explorer.

Global Attributes Support in HTML head Tag

The HTML head Tag supports all Global Attributes.

Event Attributes Support in HTML head Tag

The HTML head Tag supports all Event Attributes.

HTML head Tag Video

Watch our video on HTML head Tag.

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