HTML hr Tag

HTML hr Tag

HTML hr Tag defines a thematic break in HTML Web Page, HTML hr tag represents the change in theme of content by displaying a horizontal rule to separate two sections of content.

Syntax of HTML hr Tag

The Syntax of HTML hr Tag is shown below, It has only starting tag and no ending tag.


Usage of HTML hr Tag

HTML hr Tag is used to separate the two types of content that are different from each other.

HTML hr Tag draws a horizontal rule on the web page.

HTML hr tag is a block level element.

Example of HTML hr Tag

Simple example of HTML hr Tag is shown below.

<p>HTML is a markup language which is used for creating web pages.</p>
<p>CSS is style sheet language used for describing the styles of a web page.</p>

The output of above code is shown below.


HTML is a markup language which is used for creating web pages.


CSS is style sheet language used for describing the styles of a web page.

Browser Support for HTML hr Tag

HTML hr Tag is supported by all major browsers including Safari and Internet Explorer.

Global Attributes Support in HTML hr Tag

The HTML hr Tag supports all Global Attributes.

Event Attributes Support in HTML hr Tag

The HTML hr Tag supports all Event Attributes.

HTML hr Tag Video

Watch our video on HTML hr Tag.

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