Delay a Function Execution using JQuery

Delay a Function Execution using JQuery

In this tutorial we will see how to Delay a Function Execution using JQuery. The JQuery .delay() method is used which delays the execution of function which is in the queue.


HTML Code is given below, This code contains a button element, Whenever a button is clicked the function is executed with a delay.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Delay a Function Execution using JQuery</title>
<script src=""></script>
<button>Click Me</button>

JQuery Code

JQuery Code is given below, In this code the JQuery .delay() method is used which will delay the execution of function in the queue.

The .queue() method is also used which shows the queue of functions to be executed on the selected html element.

While the .dequeue() method removes the next function from the queue, and then execute it again. .dequeue() method is used to allow the sequence to continue.

In this example whenever button is clicked, it's text is changed to 'Please Wait' and then after a delay of 2 seconds, text is changed again.

So on each click the function execution is delayed by 2 seconds.

$(this).text('Please Wait');
$(this).delay(2000).queue(function() {
$(this).text('2 Seconds Completed');

Also Read How To Delay JavaScript Function Call.


Video Tutorial

Watch video tutorial on how to Delay a Function Execution using JQuery.

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