Get Current Page URL using JavaScript

Get Current Page URL using JavaScript

In this tutorial we will see how to Get Current Page URL using JavaScript. The window.location.href is used which returns the current page url.


HTML Code is given below, This code contains a button element, whenever button is clicked, the current page url is displayed with help of JavaScript.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Get Current Page URL using JavaScript</title>
<button onclick="getUrl()">Click Me!</button>

JavaScript Code

JavaScript Code is given below, In this code the JavaScript window.location object is used which contains current url, hostname, pathname and protocol data.

window.location can also be used to redirect the user to new page, In this example we have used window.location.href to get the current page url.

function getUrl() {

Also Read Get Current Page URL using JQuery.


Video Tutorial

Watch video tutorial on How To Get Current Page URL using JavaScript.

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