How To Delay JavaScript Function Call

How To Delay JavaScript Function Call

In this tutorial we will see How To Delay JavaScript Function Call. The setTimeout() Method is used for this purpose which executes the function call after the defined time.


HTML Code is given below, This code contains button element, When button is clicked, it will fire the setTimeout() method.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>How To Delay JavaScript Function Call</title>
<button onclick="setTimeout(example, 5000)">Click Me</button>

JavaScript Code

JavaScript Code is given below, In this code the function named example() will be executed after the time defined in milliseconds, inside the setTimeout() Method.

The setTimeout() Method calls a function after a specified number of milliseconds. This will delay the JavaScript function call.

Note: The function will only be executed once, for repetitive execution, one should use the setInterval() method.

function example()
alert("5 seconds completed!");

Also Read How To Delay a Function Execution using JQuery.


Video Tutorial

Watch video tutorial on How To Delay JavaScript Function Call.

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